
Feral Cat Program

ARC has changed our TNVR program. We will be holding feral-specific days, with the date to be determined. Once the date is published here and on our socials, you will call or text
(941) 586-2500 to reserve a spot for your feral or community cat.

* April 24th *
ARC’s Feral Cat Program improves the lives of feral and community cats by offering TNVR services. Trap-Neuter-Vaccinate-Return (TNVR) is the nationally recognized humane alternative to conventional trap-and-kill methods of addressing feral cat populations. Volunteer trappers use the TNVR program for helping feral and community cats.

How does the program work?

By bringing these cats to our clinic for sterilization and returning them back to their colonies and caregivers, you help lessen the burden of pet overpopulation in your community. You also make the lives of homeless cats less stressful.

Due to the high volume of requests, ARC will no longer be taking walk-in appointments for feral cats. All TNVR surgeries will be by appointment only. Appointments must be booked directly through our scheduler at 941.586.2500. Each cat must be brought to the clinic in a humane live trap with only one cat per trap.

Each cat will receive a spay/neuter surgery, a rabies vaccine, an FVRCP vaccine, an Ivermectin injection, and an ear tip. Ear-tipping is the surgical removal of the tip of the cat’s ear while they are under sedation for their spay/neuter surgery. The ear tip is the nationally recognized standard for signifying that a community cat has been sterilized.

Trappers will be asked to pick up the cat the day after their surgery between 10am and 12pm.

We offer free trap rentals at our clinic if you do not have a trap available. Come to the clinic to pick up traps and find out more or give us a call at 941.957.1955.

Do you have feral cats in your neighborhood?

Feral cats are cats which have been abandoned by owners, lost or born fending for themselves. Offspring of those cats born in the wild are also feral. But feral is a behavioral characteristic. A cat can be feral at one point of its life and not another. Sometimes called “community cats” or "free range cats” some can become quite friendly with human contact.

Small feral cat sitting up with a cat laying down behind it

Benefits of TNVR

Trap-Neuter-Vaccinate-Return (TNVR) helps homeless cats and your community.
• Neutered/Spayed feral cats are less likely to exhibit behaviors that make them unwelcome in your neighborhood. You will see a decrease in howling, fighting, and spraying.
• Vaccinations will reduce sickness within the colony and further protect the companion animals in your neighborhood.
• Rabies vaccinations will protect residents from contracting the disease from a chance encounter with a somewhat friendly feral.
• You have the complete satisfaction of knowing that you are an integral part of improving feral cats’ lives.
• You are stabilizing colony populations and creating a more sustainable, less stressful environment for the cats as well as the people who care for them.
• You foster compassion in your neighborhood and the community by ensuring humane treatment for all animals.

Ways to get involved:

Keep your cats indoors

Spay or neuter your own pets and encourage friends and family to do the same.

Become a Volunteer Trapper

Trap and bring feral cats to ARC’s spay/neuter clinic in a humane trap. Encourage others to do the same.

Tell People About ARC

If someone you know is caring for feral cats, let them know about our services. Education is the key, so make others aware.

Support Romeo’s Feral Cat Fund

Your contribution will make it possible for TNVR to reach under resourced communities.

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ARC further subsidizes these surgeries through “Romeo’s Feral Fund.” Donations made to this fund go directly to TNVR services.

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